All Posts in "jaco beach tours" Category

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Cabalgatas en Ocean Ranch Park

Cabalgatas en Ocean Ranch Park

Las cabalgatas en Ocean Ranch Park localizadas en Jaco ofrecen a los turistas una nueva experiencia, ya que si no has montado a caballo nunca, esta puede ser tu oportunidad. Disfruta de la naturaleza y la tranquilidad montando estos tranquilos animales y observando el ambiente que se puede respirar mientras mas te adentras mas quieres…

Guayabo National Park

Guayabo National Park

Have you ever dreamed about of an ancient culture? Have you imagined how they lived? Well,  Guayabo Monument national park is one of the World Engineering Heritage Site located in Turrialba, Costa Rica. This wonder is surrounded by perfect stone spheres, roads made by the ancient people who lived once there, roads that only an advanced…